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Detailanzeige für One Trillion Dollars

Autor/Interpret: Eschbach, Andreas
Titel: One Trillion Dollars
Schlagworte: FH Thriller / Spannung; F Belletristik und verwandte Gebiete
Medienart: Buch zum Download
Umfang: 1042 S.
ISBN: 978-3-8387-5312-6
Beschreibung: What would you do if you were the richest person in the world overnight? Yesterday John Fontanelli was just a pizza delivery guy in New York City. One day later he?s the richest man in the world. One trillion dollars: $1,000,000,000,000! More money than anyone could imagine.For generations the Vacchis, an old Italian family of lawyers and asset managers, had supervised the fortune as it grew over five hundred years, until one particular date that the benefactor had stipulated in his will. The youngest male descendant would be fated to oversee the fortune for the good of humanity.John relishes his new life of luxury, rubbing elbows with royalty, buying up corporations, fielding a flood of beautiful women - until one day the phone rings, and a mysterious stranger tells the trillionaire that he knows what dirty secrets lie behind the fortune...Bestselling author Andreas Eschbach's »One Trillion Dollars« is a thriller that pits morality and choice against the lust for material goods - at any cost. This novel inspired the Paramount+ television series "One Billion Dollars".

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