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Detailanzeige für Soziale Ungleichheit - Kein Thema für die Eliten?

Titel: Soziale Ungleichheit - Kein Thema für die Eliten?
Schlagworte: JHB Soziologie; J Gesellschaft und Sozialwissenschaften; JH Soziologie und Anthropologie
Medienart: Buch zum Download
Umfang: 250 S.
ISBN: 978-3-593-42046-2
Beschreibung: Title: Social Injustice. Is It a Topic for the Elites?In Germany, the gap between rich and poor is constantly widening. Michael Hartmann, a researcher who focuses on elites, has written a book that describes the parental homes of Germany's 1,000 most powerful people and sets forth their views on social inequality in the country and the causes of the financial crisis. It becomes apparent that many survey participants-in contrast to the general population-consider the prevailing conditions to be just.This book presents the results of a survey that was conducted in 2012 and covered the top positions in the most important sectors. Here's the bottom line: the ever increasing alignment of the German political sector with economic interests and the rich is threatening to erode our democracy.

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Programm Findus Internet-OPAC findus.pl V20.235/8 auf Server windhund2.findus-internet-opac.de,
letztes Datenbankupdate: 10.05.2024, 16:37 Uhr. 3.384 Zugriffe im Mai 2024. Insgesamt 752.422 Zugriffe seit September 2007
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