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Detailanzeige für Island of Whispering Winds

Autor/Interpret: Haran, Elizabeth
Titel: Island of Whispering Winds
Schlagworte: FRH Historische Liebesromane
Medienart: Buch zum Download
Umfang: 613 S.
ISBN: 978-3-8387-4133-8
Beschreibung: Australia, 1845: On the way to Kangaroo Island, a passenger ship strikes a hidden reef in a storm and sinks. From prisoners to the privileged, everyone on board is cast into the sea, and only two young women survive: Amelia Divine and Sarah Jones. Just when it looks like they are about to get rescued, Amelia suffers a bad head injury and loses her memory. She can not even recall her name. Using her companion's ill fate to her advantage, Sarah jumps at the chance to change her identity and to escape her own grim future. From impossible love to heartbreaking misfortune, the ripple effect of that fateful day will follow both women in ways Sarah had never imagined... A twisting tale of deception and consequence, "Island of Whispering Winds" whisks you away to the fantastic Australian countryside, while Sarah and Amelia find themselves. Just how far with Sarah go? Will Amelia ever learn who she really is?With an eye for detail, Elizabeth Haran is the author of numerous other romantic adventures including "Under a Flaming Sky," "River of Fortune," "Flight of the Jabiru," and "Staircase to the Moon," available as eBooks.For fans of sagas set against a backdrop of beautiful landscapes, like Sarah Lark's, "Island of a Thousand Springs" or Kate Morton's, "The Forgotten Garden."About the author: Elizabeth Haran was born in Bulawayo, Rhodesia and migrated to Australia as a child. She lives with her family in Adelaide and has written fourteen novels set in Australia. Her heart-warming and carefully crafted books have been published in ten countries and are bestsellers in Germany.

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