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Detailanzeige für How to find love in a book shop

Autor/Interpret: Henry, Veronica
Titel: How to find love in a book shop
Medienart: Roman
Umfang: 376 Seiten
ISBN: 978-1-4091-4689-6
Systematik: Z / englisch
Standort: Z / englisch Henr
Beschreibung: Emilia has just returned to her idyllic Cotswold hometown to rescue the family business. Nightingale Books is a dream come true for book-lovers, but the best stories aren't just within the pages of the books she sells - Emilia's customers have their own tales to tell.
There's the lady of the manor who is hiding a secret close to her heart; the single dad looking for books to share with his son but who isn't quite what he seems; and the desperately shy chef trying to find the courage to talk to her crush . . . And as for Emilia's story, can she keep the promise she made to her father and save Nightingale Books?

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letztes Datenbankupdate: 03.05.2024, 16:37 Uhr. 1.576 Zugriffe im Mai 2024. Insgesamt 750.614 Zugriffe seit September 2007
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